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Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

To celebrate Father's Day this year we sat down with one of our lovely subscribers to find our what fragrance and Dad life mean to him. 

Name: Carson 

Dad to: Two kids aged 6 and 9.  

Can you tell us a bit about your relationship with fragrance and how it helps you, be the best you?

So, I have a really clear relationship with fragrance! I am an avid and avowed collector.
Partly because I like to smell good (who doesn't?) and partly because I really like the
emotions and memories scent can evoke. It's also a great way of expressing myself. 
In terms of how it connects to me as a father. I didn't really get a lot of those father/son rituals as a kid so it's really important I build them into my relationship with my children. 
I think fragrance is a great way to do that, helping me chose which one to wear, letting them choose some for a gift, telling me which ones they like or don't and helping them explore and wear it. 
These little moments of connection are really important, particularly as the kids get older. 
You can follow Carson on instagram @ginandsniff. 
To all the Dads of HOOHAA, have a great day and we won't judge you if you don't let the kids spray the good stuff, but maybe this weekend, let them have a go...


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